Last Empire – War Z: Strategy Recenzje App

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Nie będę w nią grać ⚡️???????

Masakra nie chce grać w gry które wszędzie się reklamują może jak ktoś jest chłopakiem to lubi grać w zombi ale to jest straszne np jak gram w zdrapki zdrapuje zdrapkę i nagle ta reklama zdrapuje kolejną i znowu to samo i jeszcze trzeba czekać aż można ją zamknąć , jeszcze w nią nie grałam i nie zamierzam ??????






Gra się po aktualizacji wiesza i resetuje. Odpala za 2-3 razem. Koszmar... Nie aktualizować !!!


Pokemon hack


Fajna gra bardzo mi sie podoba

Nic szczególnego

Zamiast walk z zombie, mamy jedynie walki klanów- gildii, i jak nie znajdziemy takiej w ktorej są ogarnięci gracze , to praktycznie nic nie uzyskamy w grze, jedynie zniszczona bazę przez kogoś mocnego.


Jebana w pizdę reklama


Gra się po aktualizacji wiesza i resetuje. Odpala za 2-3 razem. Koszmar... Nie aktualizować !!!



Best game

Loved it👍


Great concept and great team interaction!

Good game

Need to fix the teleport option to a new state before level 6 WITHOUT having to send money sense it is supposed to be free. And please stop with the scrolling of everything on top of the game, if I want to see who did what I give me a button to make it my choice.

Fast and skillful fun.


Game play

Great game.


Best game ever

Awesome game

It’s a strategic game all the way and very addicting

Love this game

Absolutely amazing game, been playing for over 13 years

Best game

Love this game


Fun game

Worth the learning curve

Hard game but once you get the hang of it very enjoyable





Best game ever

Play 6 years love if

War Z

Game requires a lot of time and money. The money players dominate the game. Research does NOT give you a chance against stronger players. I’m not sure what does.

My first bella and daddy review bendito she was 2or 3 years old just running around and I’m like wow

This was my first game i downloaded on iPhone and i just kept downloading it with every newer iPhone

Gaming Experience

Good game to play. But beware the credit card useage. Good game with many rewards from events.



كردستان العراق

لعبة لا تمل منها

Red Dragon


Kills time

Kills time

New officer!


Good Deals

I don’t need to spend a whole lot of money I just wait for the specials!

Sem dúvida alguma o melhor

The best

It's alright

I played the game about 5 years ago and stopped like 2 years ago it's a great game the only problem is that it seems like your not able to progress unless you spend money and I wasn't too much of a fan of desert Oises neither I hate when they you used to bring my state there


I love this game


Is there any new update?

Stay away from this one

Don’t add any money to this game customer service and support are nonexistent! Been playing for a few years and then can’t get into the game thank god I didn’t pay!


Lot’s of fun


Puertorico1 no se rendirá y luchare hacta el finan

El mejor

Juego de Last empire muy bueno recomendado ya 8 años jugando

Mala gestión y discriminación

Es un juego parecido a una dictadura todo es sancionado, y penalizado hasta con 10 días sin poder hacer cambio en perfil, también se demora meses para cambiar nombre de la firmas, la verdad cada vez va peor aparte el crecimiento es de lo más lento que se pueda ver ver ya que es un monopolio y todo es extremadamente caro, para la solución a estos problemas ya es dejar de usar este juego nunca dan verdaderas soluciones

خیلی خوب

بازی خیلی خوبی است ولی مراقب باشید که از زندگیتون عقب نیوفتید.

Too much money

The game fun but no free recruiting card for level 6 officers. Sone many play will quit game. And I will be one of them


Great game

Baba Yega #29

This game is stealing my earned diamonds, apparently you can’t save them up past a certain point. Without any notice they stop crediting you. Good for nothing thieves you are.


Achieved Vindicat what a victory here at Lads Empire-WarZ

I absolutely love this game

One of the BEST games you can download. You can join a clan that will help you build your empire & in return do the same for other within your clan.



Best online game in the world 💪🏼😀

I have been playing this game for 4 years “ it is never boring” 💪🏼🤗 and always Meeting new friends from around the world



Yallo gold 🤩

Come on

Logging issues

I can’t login to my state 754 do to that bug issue Ples fix it now


Tempting game

Last empire war z

Me gusta el juego pero no todo el mundo es millonario cojan consciencia

Not easy

It’s money game, interesting and full of new stuff always

Best game

The best game


در کشور ایران نمیشه جعبه های بازی خرید کرد

Better rewards

Lower price on pkgs and more in the rewards. Thanks for reading😁👍

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